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Bernd Tesch

Globetrotter. Travel advisor. Travel outfitter. Author. Publisher. Journalist. Motorcycle world traveler. Motorcycle LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL expert. Manufacturer of the Tesch Travel boxes. Ex-survival trainer. Dipl.-Ing. TH. „Handler and risk taker“ at GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH.

Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers spread peace !!!

AGB (general operating conditions):

Bernd Tesch has been working with people since 1977: with manufacturers, importers, suppliers and approximately 330,000 customers who walked through my open shops until 1996. In addition, well over 10,000 nice motorcycle travelers had contact with me. Then also there is the dispatch. This long experience can be summarized very simply: Where there is a will to find a solution on all sides and the tone is right, there is usually a way for everyone in case of justified, rare complaints.

1. A warranty for items from the manufacturer for material and workmanship is normally 24 months.

2. This also applies to Tesch products if they are used normally. Understandably not after falls or improper handling. But even in such cases, boxes can usually be straightened or repaired. Often you can do it yourself with “the big hammer”. If necessary, everything has to be taken to the locksmith with your bike. The main thing is that nothing happens to YOU!

3. An exchange of standard articles is possible within the first 8 days, with the exception of books, as they do not survive double transportation undamaged.


Information according to § 5 TMG

Quelle: Impressum-Generator von eRecht24 für Privatpersonen

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Quelle: eRecht24, kostenloser Muster-Disclaimer

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